Since Year 2002, We work as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consultants and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) specialists in Malaysia. Some of our team members have been invited By MIMOS (in year 2002), to explore topic on Internet Marketing, and also invited by Exporter Club at MATRADE (in year 2005). The co-speaker include Country Consultant from Google Inc, Globalsources.com and Ebay.com
We have helped hundreds of clients to achieve better ranking in search engine. More importantly, increase the traffics and leads. Many of them successfully get more traffic and close more than millions of sales because of our SEO efforts.
In short, To get better ranking in Search Engines, especially Google, so that you can get more traffics and later convert to leads. But it is not a simple task.
12 years ago, you can easily get higher ranking in search engines if you know how to do keyword stuffing, meta tag manipulation, or get tons of Spamming backlinks. However, the game was changed over a night after Google introduced his two major algorithm updates : Code name “Google Panda” in February 2011 and “Google Penguin” in April 2012.
Google Panda aimed to lower the rank of “low-quality sites” or “thin sites”, while “Google Penguin” aimed to lower the rank of the websites with spaming backlinks. The websites with keywords stuffing, title tag manipulation or bad backlinks, were dramatically dropped to nowhere after Google introduce these 2 major algorithm updated.
Google keeps improving its search result quality after Google Panda and Google Penguin, by introduced other major updates such as Google Hummingbird , Google Pigeon and more. Today, according To a research, Google update the alogrithm around 400+ times a year.
Ranking in Google is not as easy as 12 years ago. So what Google wants now in order to get your website rank high ?
Sound Abstract ? No. It is somehow measurable and practicable. Google has various tools to measure your website and help you to improve user experiences. For example, Google Page Speed Tools, Google Mobile Friendly Test and more.
User Experiences should be the top priority objective for SEO company in Malaysia. When your website delivers better user experiences, your website will be ranked higher eventually. The reason is simple : Just imagine, no matter how rich is your website content, how high authority is your backlinks, how good is your web design, when the visitors visit your website, you page loading is slow, so they quit. Do you think Google will rank such poor user-experiences website on top ? .

We start from a website developer in Year 2000. At the time Google is just a new comer after Yahoo. But we all love to use Google for it clean, fast and accurate result. Therefore, we started to learn how to get better ranking in Google. In other words, we have more than 20 years experinces in Google SEO Services In Malaysia.

Thanks for your advices and efforts, we are rank more than 50 keywords on 1st page in Google, getting more traffics and enquiries each day. We have hired more staffs to cope with the sales increase. Good job!
You really deliver the results! Thanks for your efforts!
My website is now rank on 1st page for some competitive keywords.